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Started in 2009, our first outlet was called Warong Penyet Super selling our signature nasi ayam penyet. The business then grew with the opening of our second outlet, Super Corner, which caters to the office workers in the industrial area. We also cater for events for weddings, company meetings, and seminars by offering mini-bentos, buffet sets, and high-tea spreads.

We have always been well-known for our nasi ayam penyet and nasi lemak sambal, so we decided to firm up our company brand under a new name that highlights the food that our company has been famous for over the years. Thus in 2016 our company was rebranded under the new name Super Penyet Singapore.

Through the years, we have stayed true to our company’s mission of using only quality ingredients and serving fresh and great tasting food that reminds our customers of the taste of home. Due to the overwhelming demand from customers over the years, we started selling our two signature sambal in bottles under the brand Super Sambal.

We branched into selling premix of local favourite dishes under the brand Super Taste Premix. The aim of our premix was to cater to the busy lives of our customers. Hence, our premix is a range of specially formulated recipes that will help our customers to prepare delicious home-cooked dishes quickly and easily.